Divinely Inspired
For Job & Career Transitions
(or Any Life Transitions)
The Transitions Oracle card deck consisting of 55 cards was divinely-inspired and channeled to accelerate your professional and spiritual growth. It was created to be used alone or with your favorite tarot or oracle decks.

Feeling indecisive, uncertain, or have you come to a crossroad in your life?
I understand. We are all navigating unprecedented times.
Leveling up, Ascending, Spiritual Awakening, Upgrading, 3rd Dimensional to 5th Dimensional, or whatever you call it, we are experiencing a global mass-consciousness expansion.
Why Receive a Reading from Me?
My readings will give you clarity about your past, what is going on in present, and support you in transitioning through to a more positive, fulfilling space.
Using the Transitions Oracle card deck and traditional Tarot, I deliver messages intended to support you wherever you are on your life’s path.
I am a Career Intuitive and after many years as a headhunter—hiring employees for various sized companies from start-up to Fortune 100—Spirit asked me to create an Oracle card deck to help people in career transition.
While we focus on career, your personalized one-on-one session may reveal information about other areas of your life.
Intuitive Career Readings - Live Phone Readings

About My Intuitive Readings and Myself:
I offer intuitive career readings using the Transitions Oracle Card Deck and traditional Tarot cards. With over 30 years of experience in Tarot and Oracle Card readings, I provide guidance and support on your life’s journey.
In addition to being an intuitive reader, I have worked as a recruitment professional within five industries. I’ve hired professionals for various sized companies from start-up to Fortune 100, typically hiring mid-career to executive-level folks for corporate companies.
What to Expect in Your Personalized Session:
Although our primary focus will be on your career, it’s important to note that your one-on-one session may uncover insights about other aspects of your life. To make the most of your reading, it’s recommended to prepare specific questions in advance.
Thank you for considering my services, and I look forward to connecting with you soon.
15 minutes – $22.22
30 minutes – $44.44
60 minutes – $77.77
Psychic readings cannot, and should not, take the place of medical or legal advice. All readings purchased must be done by individuals 18 years and older. I cannot and will not speak to medical conditions, including pregnancy; will not offer information related to gambling/lottery; I will not speak on legal matters or politics.
If you purchase a reading with me it is understood that you’ve read this disclaimer and agree to it.
Coming Soon
Intentional Magic Candles
to Accelerate Your Job,
Career or Business Transition.
Workbook coming soon!
The Career Transition workbook is currently in development and targeted for completion in Spring 2022. Its value is to support your personal transitions through self-reflection and assessment. Sign up to receive notification of its first release, available with bonus content.
Career Changing
I was considering taking a different job in my current industry. My friend offered to do a reading for me using the Transitions Oracle Deck. The cards told me to focus on my intentions, go on a retreat and be patient. By following the guidance of the cards, I realized that I wanted a complete career change and not another step on my current path. I’m so thankful for the insights I discovered through this deck!
Highly Recommend
As a leadership and transition coach, I often encounter moments with my clients where we return to a consistent core fear or perspective about the steps required to achieve a desired outcome. There’s a space between milestones that requires a lot of focus and stamina. The unknown wears on us when our hearts are poured into a project, initiative, or startup. I use the career transition cards to help my clients focus on a specific aspect of their journey that is within their control. The cards help guide my clients towards specific actions and inquiries to deepen the journey and move toward the desires transition. I highly recommend the career transition deck – it will help your clients gain insights and move through their challenges.
The Transitions Oracle Deck has instantly become my favorite. I immediately resonated with it for both myself and my clients. The text and illustrations on the cards are amazing!
Clarity and Direction
Although this oracle deck was created to support people through career transition, I find the inspired messages applicable to any transitional life experience. Whether you seek wisdom in relationships, finances, health, right livelihood, creativity or your life’s purpose, you will find clarity and direction in these cards. Promise!