A Message from the Creator...
For the past two decades, I have worked as a recruitment professional within five industries. I’ve hired professionals for various sized companies from start-up to Fortune 100, typically hiring mid-career to executive-level folks for corporate companies.
No stranger to pivoting careers, I have done whatever it took to bridge me from one job to the next, until my next recruitment frenzy. My work-related adventures include bartending, professional psychic reader, jet pilot assistant and even a clothing seller on Ebay.
In 2018, I received a channeled message from Spirit to create oracle cards for people in career transition. I began immediately but had no idea how to create them. Although I am creative, I am not a professional artist. So many thoughts swirled: Maybe I could hire someone? Maybe a friend could create them? Ultimately, it was evident that it was important to this project to create the artwork myself. That was part of my journey; to step into the role of creator.
For months, I explored different mediums such as watercolor and ink, and collage. Collage led to photo collage. One discovery inevitably leads to another on the path of life. What we need is always ahead, ready to equip us. Little did I know, I would be experiencing major transitions in my career and home life. In August 2020, a fire came 2000 feet from my front door, and I evacuated with my two cats, Chance and Peaches. Shortly afterwards, I lost my job.
For a few months I turned my attention from my corporate role and dove deeply into creating this oracle deck. I toggled back-and-forth between the corporate and spiritual worlds to complete and present the Transitions Oracle Card Deck.
With much love and support—and direct personal experience in the trenches of transition—I offer you these cards for inspiration, direction and hope.
Love and Peace,